A meeting of Dugualla Community, Inc. Board was held at DBH clubhouse on February 15, 2016.
Attendees included Roger Pierce, John Anglin, Dave Sem, Warren Eraut, Jim Obigelo, John Ney & Tracie Stringer .
Members not in attendance
Members not in attendance: Teresa Coe.
Approval of minutes
The minutes for the December 2015 were approved on motion by John Ney, seconded by Jim Obigelo. The motion carried.
Public comments
There were no members of the public in attendance
Unfinished business
A. King Water metering status- 154 of 210 as of 12/31/15
Water meters going in on new corner home on Birch/Waldron Construction. $3000 hook up fee charged to Waldron by DCI.
B. Duckentraileronbeach-noupdateREMOVEDfromagenda
C. Electric Meter no longer in use. REMOVED from agenda
D. Keys for everyone- Keys were distributed by John Anglin COMPLETED
F. WCLT Lagoon issues/ Mr. Burke: Dave Sem- Mr. Burke set up a meeting on Feb 1,
2015 for himself, Dave Sem, Jessica and Pat Powell to meet regarding the trees.
Mr. Burke canceled the meeting at the last moment b/c his realtor could not attend. Mr. Burke did not contact WCLT regarding the cancelation. Dave Sem showed up
at the agreed upon meeting time and place on Dugualla to meet with WCLT. The WCLT was shown the trees that are an issue for Mr. Burke. WCLT declined to top/trim/remove any trees outside of the easement. WCLT will follow record this information with Island County to avoid any further issues. In doing so neither group has to revist this issue.
G. Legal Action re Ducken and Novich- DCI Attorney Jake Cohen served Ducken and Novich.
Novich contacted Roger Pierce regarding the overdue water bill. Novich paid the outstanding water bill but has not paid attorney fees. No communication from Ducken.
H. B & UR issue Division 9- Tracie and Warren both read over the B&UR regarding extra outbuildings. Warren felt that the restriction was singular. Tracie felt that the restriction was vague. There was some discussion about changing the restriction. REMOVED from agenda.
Committee and Officer Reports
A. ArchitecturalControlCommittee-Noreport
B. BuildingandUseRestrictionsCommittee-Noreport
C. CommunicationCommittee-Noreport
D. Facility Committee- Pat Del Sonno is in charge of the DBH clubhouse. Pat keeps
the clubhouse clean and stocked. The board would like to give Pat a gift for her time, effort, caring & upkeep of the clubhouse. A motion to give Pat Del Sonno a gift of $250 for unreimbursed expenses w/ a thank you note was motioned by John Ney and seconded by John Anglin. The motion was approved. Dave Sem will go to Jones Accounting to get the check.
Landscaping around the clubhouse needs to be trimmed & the building needs to be pressure washed once the weather warms up. Cutting Edge currently mows the clubhouse grass but it is not known if he also pressure washes. John Ney knows a lic & bonded landscaper who might be interested. Jim Obigelo will obtain bids for the work.
E. LagoonCommittee-WCLTplanningongrading/plantingworkafterJARPAapproval
F. SpecialInitiatives-Nonewgravelpitstatus.
G. Treasurer's Report- 5 meters done in December. (154 of +/-210) complete.
Accounts in arrears: Novich, Ducken, Barth (Barth is $260 behind).
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New Business
A. Novich paid water bill February 12th but owes for attorney.
B. NextmeetingMarch21st.
C. JimObigeloaskediftheboardhasalistofmanagedrentalsvs.byownerrentalsso
we know who to contact if there is a problem with a renter.
Public Comments
The meeting was adjourned at 6pm.
Tracie Stringer
Date of approval
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Dike Road Mitigation Plan Notes
January 11, 2016
Regarding mitigation site planning on Dike Road.
Talked to Bobby at Washington Dept. of Transportation. He’s the Environmental Compliance guy. He will research with “landscaping” to see if there’s any wiggle room in what is planted to restore the native habitat. Currently planned to put in hemlock and fir trees which will someday grow up and potentially block views. The project is under Army Corp of Engineers.
Bobby will call me back sometime this week with answers to questions or who the next step is in the process of appealing the decision.
Bobby’s contact information: 360-848-7100 edwardr@wsdot.wa.gov
January 12, 2016
Bobby called me back regarding the plan. There will be around 1600 trees/plants planted on the 8 acre parcel. The varieties include Cedar, Hemlock,BlueSpruce,SitkaSpruceamongthetallergrowingones. No fir trees are in the plan. The tall trees that are to be planted will be planted adjacent to existing tall trees and most of the open space that
exists now will be planted with low growing ground cover type plants to try to choke out the blackberries. The majority of the taller trees will be cedar. He said it would be a major undertaking to try to change any of the plans now and that the major battle would be with the Army Corps of Engineers whom he gets his marching orders from. There are also several other environmental agencies involved including Island County.
At this point, I don’t believe that it would be worth the effort to do battle and try to change it. It sounds like it won’t be that much different than we see today. It is going to be many years before these planted taller trees grow tall enough to obstruct views. I am not willing to pursue this any further.
-Roger Pierce
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