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Call to order
A meeting of Dugualla Community, Inc. Board was held at DBH clubhouse on February 20, 2017.
Approval of minutes
The minutes for the January 2017 were approved on motion by Don Kasier, seconded by Jim Obieglo. The motion carried.
Public comments
Richard Fort: Spoke about an article from the Whidbey News Times regarding a chemical plume. Mr. Fort wants the water system tested for 1.4 dioxin even though the neighborhood has not be listed as an affected area.
Amy Van Dam & Wayne Van Dam: Wants the board to ask the Navy to test the the water system for PFOA. If the Navy won’t pay then the board should pay. The neighborhood is not listed by the USN as an affected area.
Unfinished business:
A. Water hook up inquiry for Rogers lots on corner of Maplewood Loop & Beacon View Drive- $3000 per lot hook-up fee.
Committee and Officer Reports:
A.Architectural Control Committee- No report
B.Building and Use Restrictions Committee- No report
C.Water Committee: Steve Hucke
Steve Hucke addressed the water concerns brought up by Amy Van Dam and Richard Fort. Mr. Fort was not present for the discussion. Steve Hucke contacted
King Water about testing for PFOA(etc) and 1.4 dioxin. Our water system has not been tested for any of these chemicals as we are not in a zone determined to be affected by such chemicals. The testing was quoted to fall in the $600-$2500 range. Don Kaiser motioned to pay King Water to test for PFOA & 1.4 D, not to exceed $2500. The motion was seconded by Jim Obieglo. Motion passed 6-1Yes-John Ney, Don Kaiser, Jim Obieglo, Dave Sem, Tracie Stringer, Steve Hucke. No-Teresa Coe. The no vote was due to not being in agreement of the motion.
John Ney will ask the USN water liason to test for 1.4 D. If they USN declines as we are not in the affected zone, the board will still pay for the testing as voted on.
Don Kaiser- the King Water contract is up for renewal. The prices have gone up as stated previously. Steve Hucke motioned to approve the contract. Jim Obieglo seconded the motion. All were in favor.
D.Communications Committee: Tracie was contacted by Mrs. Rouw wanting to place a “for sale” ad on the webpage. The DCI board does not have a “for sale” section on the website.
E.Facility Committee- None
F.Lagoon Committee- WCLT February planting complete. March planting around the 10-11th.
G.Special Initiatives- None
H.Treasurer's Report- No meters installed in January. Accounts in arrears: Nelson. Pfiffer’s home is pending.
New Business
A.The clubhouse has to have a maximum occupancy sign. Dave Sem will check into obtaining one from the fire department.
B.Next meeting March 20th.
C.Vacate Terry Peyton’s position on the board. Mrs. Peyton was elected during the annual meeting but has never attended a meeting since that time. Dave Sem motioned to remove Mrs. Peyton. Steve Hucke seconded the motion. The motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:44pm.
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