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In Attendance: Shawn Albert, Joseph Bock, Larry Caton, Clint Christensen, Graig Habermann, Steve Hucke, Danny Kaiser, Nadia Kent, Susan Schopf
Absent: None
Guests:  Jessica Larson, Whidbey Camano Land Trust Representative
A.The Zoom online meeting called to order at 6 pm by President Steve Hucke
B. Minutes from 12/16/20 were approved with no corrections or additions.
C.Public Comments: Jessica Larson presented a detailed report with charts, maps and slides explaining the history and objectives of the Dugualla Heights conservation easement.
D.Treasurer’s Report:  Clint Christensen
1.  DCI Bank Balance 1/20/21 is $449,773.73.  Twelve property owners water bill accounts are more than 90 days delinquent and 15 accounts 31-60 days overdue.  Clint will draft and present a proposal for a formal policy for handling overdue accounts to be voted on at the next meeting.
2.  The Board voted unanimously to approve requiring two Board member signatures (treasurer plus either the president or vice-president) on each check written on the DCI account as a safeguard.
3.  The Board voted unanimously to approve the expenditure of $1,200 for the purchase of a laptop to be used solely by the DCI treasurer to maintain security and confidentiality of DCI electronic files.  This laptop will be kept in the possession of each treasurer who steps into that position and will greatly assist in the maintenance and transfer of electronic files.
4.  Proposal to change water billing to quarterly is not allowed per the current DCI bylaws.
5.  DCI insurance policies are current.  Graig will study coverage to determine if it is adequate.  Graig is working with an individual regarding placement of a tsunami siren in DCI area.
1.  Double D Electrical, Inc. Work is behind schedule due to COVID.  Larry will follow up.
2.  Architectural Control:  No Report.
3.  Building and Use Restrictions:  No Report.
4.  Communications:  No Report.
5.  Community Meetings:  Nadia Kent volunteered to chair this committee.
6.  Records Management:  Steve Hucke’s neighbor, Tom Glenn, volunteered to take over the task of maintaining property owners records.
7.  Security:  Clubhouse security has been resolved with new keyless door locks.
8.  Lagoon:  No Report.
9.  Whidbey Camano Land Trust:  See above report by guest speaker Jessica Larson, WCLT
10.  Facilities:  Danny and Larry will follow up with plan to study water lines replacement and consider the advantage of hiring a water engineer as a consultant.  A report will be given at the February Board meeting.
1.  King Water advised the Board that it is required by the State of Washington to develop a plan to establish water use efficiency (WUE) goals and enact measures to manage water use for the community.  The Board committed to study these requirements and follow up with further discussions at the February meeting.
2.  Board members are required to sign the Conflict of Interest Agreement annually and will do so at the February meeting.
G.  Adjournment:  8:00 PM
H.  Next Meeting:  Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 6 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Schopf, Board Secretary
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