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In Attendance: Shawn Albert, Mike Henderson, Steve Hucke, Don Kaiser, Danny Kaiser,
Tom Luehr, Tom McKeon, Rob McMillan, John Ney, Jerry Schopf, Susan Schopf
Outgoing members: John Ney, Steve Hucke, Mike Henderson
Current Board: Shawn Albert, Danny Kaiser, Don Kaiser, Tom Luehr, Rob McMillan, Tom McKeon, Jerry Schopf, Susan Schopf
Not present: Joseph Bock
I.Call to Order
II.Approve Minutes from last meeting – Reviewed annual meeting minutes for approval at 2019 annual meeting
III.Public Comments: Mike Henderson expressed concern with the scheduling of the cleaning of the pipe for the lagoon. Wanted to make sure that the pipe is scheduled to be cleaned every year.
IV.Old Business: Nothing to Report
V.Officer and Committee Reports
a.Architectural Control Committee: Dave and John Ney. Nothing to report.
b.Building and Restrictions Committee: Steve Hucke and Don Kaiser. Nothing to report.
c.Water Committee: Mike Henderson and Rob McMillan. Nothing to Report
d.Lagoon Committee: Dave Sem. Nothing to report
e.Special Initiatives, Noting to Report
f.Communications Committee: Nothing to report.
g.Treasurers report: Dave Sem. Report submitted.
h.Facilities Committee: Jerry Schopf. Nothing to report
I. Communications Committee: John Ney. Website information will be passed to new communications committee.
VI.Other New Business
a.Nomination of new officers:
President: Jerry Schopf
Vice President: Don Kaiser
Treasurer: Tom McKeon
Secretary: Susan Schopf
b.New check signers designated by the board is as follows: Jerry Schopf, Don Kaiser, Tom McKeon, Susan Schopf
c.Next meeting November 19th, 2018
VII.Public Comments: None
VIII. Adjournment: Jerry Schopf motioned to adjourn, with a second from Don Kaiser. Motion carried
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