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A meeting of Dugualla Community, Inc. Board was held at DCI clubhouse at 5:00pm on November 21, 2016.
Directors in Attendance
John Ney, Jim Obigelo, Don Kaiser, Steve Hucke, Dave Sem
Members not in attendance
Teresa Coe, Terry Canton, Tracie Stringer
Approval of minutes
The minutes for the October 2016 were approved on motion by Steve Hucke, seconded by Don Kaiser. The motion carried.
Public comments
Roger Pierce gave the board some insight and information regarding the changing of the guard. He will keep in touch and be available as a resource to the new Board.
Old business action items
A. None
Committee and Officer Reports
A. Architectural Control Committee- No report
B. Building and Use Restrictions Committee- No report
C. Communication Committee: No report
D. Facility Committee- Jim Obigelo notified that the fire extinguishers on DCI
properties were inspected and brought up to current ratings.
Jim also rec’d quotes on refinishing the clubhouse floor for $10,000 and $11,200 He also looked into the option of putting an overlay which had a cost of $21,415
The price to replace the carpeted are with wood totaled $3300
The board asked Jim to get more bids on the refinishing rather than spend money on covering the current floor.
E. LagoonCommittee-DaveSempresentedaletterthatwasdraftedbyGerry Nichelson to the WCLT. Mr. Nichelson and his neighbors are requesting that the WCLT let them maintain the vegetation heights in zone B-3. The board agreed to send the letter back to Mr. Nichelson for some clarification and show that the property owners in that area will do the trimming and not obligate DCI for any future trimming in area B-3
F. SpecialInitiatives-Noreport
G. Treasurer's Report- Ducken, Jacobs, Nelson and Novich in arrears.
New Business
A. Jim Obigelo expressed that the website needs to be updated with the correct contact information. John Ney was going to contact our webmaster about the matter.
B. ThemeetingdateforDecember2016isthe19th.Themeetingwilllikelybe postponed until January 16th unless there is pending business that cannot wait.
C. King Water will now charge $150 per month for testing DCI water to the new state standards. A motion to approve the new charge was put forth by Dave and seconded by Jim.
King Water installed a meter at 680 Dugualla rd with the approval of the current owner Mary Ann Jeter. Approval was needed by Mrs. Jeter due to the special circumstances her property presented regarding the depth and location of the new meter. The installation was performed by King Water with no issues.
Public Comments/ Attendees
None discussion
Darin Edwards, Roger Pierce
Meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm.