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In Attendance: Shawn Albert, Joey Bock, Jim Hummer, Danny Kaiser, Don Kaiser, Tom Luehr, Tom McKeon, Rob McMillan, Jerry Schopf, Susan Schopf
Guests:  Steve Hucke, Mark Quinn, Diane Van Wyngarden, Russ Van Wyngarden
I.Meeting called to order at 5 pm.
II. Minutes from last meeting were approved as submitted.
III.Public Comments: Mark Quinn will discuss jet noise under new business.
IV.Treasurer Report:  Balance $361,495.34, registered letters sent out to delinquent property owners.  Improvement of investment returns is needed (CDs).
V.Old Business
VI.Officer and Committee Reports
a. Architectural Control: Nothing to report.
b. Building and Restrictions:  Nothing to report.
c. Water System: Nothing to report
d. Lagoon: Tom Luehr, lagoon pipe has been cleaned, bill has been paid.
e.  Special Initiatives: Nothing to report    
f.  Communications: Susan Schopf, Website information/training needed.
g. Facilities: Nothing to report
VII.New Business
a.  Mark Quinn spoke and read letter regarding jet noise.  Consensus for Mark, Rob McMillan and Jerry Schopf to schedule visit with NAS Whidbey CO.
b.  Vote passed to change monthly meeting time to 6 pm.
c.  King Water slated to read meters annually per state law.  This will provide accurate DCI list of current property owners/water users.
VIII.     Items Held Over
a.  Totem Pole repainting - consensus to wait until warm weather
b.  Increase Tap Fee amount - Danny Kaiser, Don Kaiser
c.  Limit future expansion of water taps - Danny Kaiser
d.  Amount of DCI liability insurance - Tom McKeon
e.  Legal owner of lagoon area - Mark Quinn
f.  Property owners records accuracy - Jerry Schopf
g.  Vehicles exceeding speed limits concerns - Joey Bock
Next meeting:  December 17, 2018 at 6 PM
IX.Adjournment:  Jerry Schopf adjourned the meeting at 6:25 PM
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