Dugualla Community Inc.
Minutes to December 20, 2023 Directors Meeting.
Prepared by Mark Van Wyngarden
Attendees: Steve Smith
Julie Chan
JD Ray
Shawn Albert
Mark Van Wyngarden
Visitor:Steve Hucke
1.November minutes were approved. JD motioned and Julie second. Passed unanimously.
2.Julie provided the financial statements. There was combined banking of $597,667 at the end of November. Julie is working on laddering CDs with a short term range in order to get a better interest rate.
3.Steve Smith was unable to set up a meeting with King Water in November. Steve will be working on getting a meeting with King Water in January. We would like to review our contract and determine our new costs since they were acquired by NW Natural Water Services. In addition we need to clarify what who is responsible for customer notification when the water needs to be shut off and turned back on due to repairs and maintenance. Also to clarify when purging the water line is necessary when the repair is finished.
4.JD led a discussion regarding updating our water system.
•JD noted that Coffman Engineering was one of two firms that said they could help us with our water system update. JD thought Coffman would be best suited since they have some knowledge of our system already.
•Myron provided an email to the board members (since he was unable to attend) indicating he believes we should talk to a qualified contractor to determine if we are required to reengineer our system. He indicated that it might be significantly less if we strictly repair/replace the pipe meaning like size for like size. Myron also pointed out that Coffman suggested we test the pipe in a few locations to determine if there are “brittle” pipe issues.
Mark brought up that it appears the grants we can apply for are ones that are only for reduced interest rates, not for loan reductions. Also per Coffman the grants require the system to be reengineered, elevation surveys to be done, and other significant costs.
•Steve Hucke indicated that King Water said the vast majority of water leaks are on Bay Front and Shore Crest due to the salt water intrusion and Beacon View because of the age of that system and the galvanized pipe that was used under the roads. Steve Hucke said the Cory Johnson provided a rough estimate a couple of years ago that was significantly less than what Coffman estimated the project to be. Cory looks for projects like ours to do in the winter time so he can employ his crews year round.
•The board determined we need to meet with Cory Johnson to better understand how he can assist us in the process. The board decided not to engage Coffman at this time. This might change once we have a better understanding of what Cory can do.
•The Board thanked JD for the work he has done to date on the water project. The Board also thanked Steve Hucke for sharing his knowledge on the system when he was on the board.
5.Steve Smith led a brief discussion about if we should sell our water system to a commercial water provider. He indicated that NW Natural Water Services owns and operates private water systems.
6.Shawn led a discussion about a home being built at 663 Maplewood Loop. Shawn heads the Architectural Control and Building and Use Committee. Shawn was not provided any plans before construction started. Concrete is already being poured for the foundation. Shawn contacted the owner, Mike Eagle and let him know he is out of compliance with the BURs for that division. Mike Eagle provided Shawn a copy of the plans. Shawn let him know that the height of the house is in excess of the BURs for that division. The BURs indicate the height is not to exceed 18 feet at the mid-point of the lot. Shawn indicated the building height is roughly 22 feet at the road level. The BURs do allow for the Board to approve homes that are taller than the BURs as long as he gets approval from any property owners whose views may be affected by the non-conforming structure. Shawn will let him know what is required.
7.Meeting adjourned.