DCI Board Meeting Minutes 20230315
Attending: Leslie Wagner, Mark Van Wyngarden, Myron Parry, J.D. Ray, Graig Habermann, Steve Hucke, Julie Chan, Shawn Albert
Absent: James Jolly
1.The meeting at the clubhouse was called to order at 6 PM March 15th 2023 by President Steve Hucke.
2.Minutes from 2/15/2023 Board Meeting: Motion to approve as submitted made by Mark, seconded by Graig.  Passed unanimously.
3.Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance as of 2/28/2023 is $536,163.15 with $392,183.19 in money market account, $143,979.96 in checking account.  See attached report.
a.Mark reported that he has given up on Kingma CPA regarding comparative financials for the twelve months ending 5/31/21 and 5/31/22.  Mark and Julie are looking at developing the reports for the 9/2022 Members Meeting and, after tax season is over, will try to find a CPA to develop the reports for the 9/2023 Members Meeting.
b.Water main replacement report
i.Graig provided an update: DCI does have a Franchise Agreement with Island County that was issued April 16, 2016 under the name Dugualla Community Inc.  This agreement is due to be renewed in April, 2026.  Divisions 1 to 9 are on the current permit.  Graig also reported that we will need a permit for each street where we are replacing pipe at a cost of $139.05 per permit.
ii.Steve Hucke reported that Corey Johnson not available for this meeting and that Corey plans to attend the April Board meeting.
a.Shawn reported that he is planning to build a spec house within the community.  Steve agreed to review the plans with him.
6.Visitor comment:
7.Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 6:00 PM.
8.Adjournment: 6:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Myron Parry