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A meeting of Dugualla Community, Inc. Board was held at DBH clubhouse on March 21, 2016.
All members in attendance.
Members not in attendance
Approval of minutes
The minutes for the February 2016 were approved on motion by John Ney, seconded by Jim Obigelo. The motion carried.
Public comments
Don Kaiser was in attendance
Unfinished business
A. Dugualla Bay Mitigation Site native habitat restoration- No changes
B. WLCT Lagoon issues re Mr. Burk- Dave Sem received a response letter from Mr.
Burke regarding the WLCT’s position on Burke’s request to trim/top trees. Mr. Burke does not believe that DCI is protecting his property rights. It is the DCI board’s position that the Mr. Burke is asking for enhancement of his property not protection. The property Mr. Burke wants to change has never been in the division. Due to the several years work by DCI and WLCT, the property cannot be developed.
C. Legal action re: Ducken and Novich- All fees were paid. Liens have been removed.
Committee and Officer Reports
A. ArchitecturalControlCommittee-MikeHenderson(owner),735Bayfront (DeWinter property) can place a trailer on the property for 12 months during home construction as per Div . 8 CC&R Section C #6
B. BuildingandUseRestrictionsCommittee-Traciereceivedaphonecallandemail from Alysia Adam, 563 Birch regarding over grown black berry bushes on the Eidsmoe lot. The bushes are encroaching on her property. Tracie will write a letter to Mr. Eidsmoe regarding this issue.
John Anglin received a letter of complaint from Teresa Coe. The letter is a complaint about parked commercial equipment, uncovered propane tank, etc.
Mrs. Coe did not feel it was appropriate to bring up this issue at the board meeting. Mr. Anglin disagreed and stated he received the letter in retaliation for his complaints about her dogs barking. Mr. Anglin stated that he has no commercial equipment & that he would cover his propane tank but wanted to know what Mrs. Coe was going to do about the barking dogs. They are working on a solution.
C. Communication Committee- Teresa Coe’s phone number is incorrect on the webpage. Tracie will contact the web manager with the correct number.
D. Facility Committee- Jim Obigelo obtained a bid for the landscaping work around the clubhouse. The bid was roughly $1500. Dave/Jim will contact Cutting Edge for a bid. Tracie motioned that Jim Obigelo can spend $600 to have the work done. John Anglin seconded the motion. The motion passed.
E. LagoonCommittee-JohnBurkeletterdiscussedabove.
F. SpecialInitiatives-Nonewgravelpitstatus.
G. Treasurer's Report- 13 meters done in January. (167 of +/-210) complete.
Accounts in arrears: Barth ($350 behind).
New Business
A. Don Kaiser volunteered to fill open board seat 9. The board voted unanimously. B. Next meeting April 18th.
Public Comments
The meeting was adjourned at 6pm.
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