DCI Board Meeting Minutes 20240320 first draft.docx
Attending: Steve Smith, Leslie Wagner, Julie Chan, James Jolly, Myron Parry, J.D. Ray
Absent: Shawn Albert, Graig Habermann
1.The meeting at the clubhouse was called to order at 5:57 PM April 17, 2024 by President Jim Jolly.
2.Minutes from 3/20/2024 Board Meeting: Steve made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted including one edit.  Seconded by JD.  Passed unanimously.
3.Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance as of 3/31/2024 is $611,442.70 with $362,328.17 in the money market account, $49,114.53 in the checking account and $200,000.00 in a certificate of deposit.  See attached report.  Julie reported that the total balance is a decrease of $2,742.49 from the previous month.  The main reason for the decrease is a payment of a NW Natural Water bill for $6,800 for leak repairs in January.
a.At the 11/15/2023 Board Meeting, the Board discussed best ways to broadcast short-notice announcements regarding water service.  Myron suggested including a letter in a water invoice mailing requesting name, address, cell phone and email addresses.  Jim provided a first draft (attached).
While Jim’s draft was well-written, it was written from the viewpoint of creating a separate contact list for water issues as opposed to using the Dugualla Community email contact list (as presented on the Community’s website homepage).  Myron to draft a letter from the perspective of using the Community email contact list.
b.Architectural application for Division 1, Block 3, Lot 3, 663 Maplewood Loop: The Board voted to approve the plans as submitted at the 2/21/2024 Board meeting.  At the 3/20 Board Meeting, Shawn reported that he visited the job site earlier in the week of 3/20 and determined that the framing is taller than the submitted plan.  Update for the 4/17 Board Meeting: As it turns out, the drawing used to determine the building’s height was not drawn to scale.  After reviewing the original plans that were drawn to scale, the building was determined to be the same height as in the submitted plans.
a.Jim reported that Mark resigned from the Board as of 4/1/2024.  We appreciate Mark’s efforts to create financial reports and looking after the lagoon.  Mark has also worked closely with Myron on other projects.
b.Jim asked if it is time to start planning for the Annual Meeting: Myron explained that the By-Laws specify that the Annual Meeting will be held on the third Saturday in September (9/21/2024).  The By-Laws also specify that Board Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month and that the September Board Meeting will be held on 9/18/24.  So, there will be a Board Meeting immediately preceding the Annual Meeting.  Myron also reported that he would have more information regarding possible topics for the Annual Meeting at May’s Board Meeting.
c.Location of fire hydrant hear 675 Kellogg Lane (near the corner of East Beacon View Drive and Kellogg Lane):  JD reported that he received an email from an insurance company asking to verify the hydrant’s location and will respond.
6.Visitor comment:
7.Executive Session (Board Members Only):
Status update of having Mathew Walker act as DCI’s Corporate attorney and registered agent: Steve and Myron to meet with Matthew Walker on 4/18.
8.Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
9.Adjournment:  6:37 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Myron Parry.