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A meeting of Dugualla Community, Inc. Board was held at DBH clubhouse on May 16, 2016.
No members of the public were present.
Members not in attendance
Roger Pierce John Ney
Approval of minutes
The minutes for the April 2016 were approved on motion by Jim Obigelo, seconded by Jon Anglin. The motion carried.
Public comments
Unfinished business
A. Native People burial site permit issue- Sandy @ King Water cleared up the issue. Permits were obtained. No board action required.
B. Clubhousetreeremoval-JimObigeloobtained3bids-$3000(PioneerTree), $2500, $2000 (All Purpose Tree & Lawn). Tracie motioned we authorize Jim to accept/ enter a contract with All Purpose Tree & Lawn for $2000 plus tax. The motion was seconded by Teresa Coe. Vote was unanimous.
Committee and Officer Reports
A. ArchitecturalControlCommittee-Noreport
B. BuildingandUseRestrictionsCommittee-Noreport
C. CommunicationCommittee-Noreport
D. Facility Committee-The clubhouse needs exterior and interior work. John Anglin
volunteered to replace a bad board on the back deck. Estimates are needed to replace deck with concrete steps. The wood flooring inside needs to be refinished. The flooring will need to be done around the rental schedule.
E. Water Committee: John Anglin stated that lawn maintenance is unable to weed around the well house fence due to the fencing being buried. Round-up weed killer was discussed but dismissed due to concerns about using it near a water source. Peak Generators serviced the generators. Per Peak Generators, the small one needs a little work. They will work on it once the season slows down.
F. LagoonCommittee-LagoonculvertworkonAugust1byBaysideServices.
G. Special Initiatives- No report
H. Treasurer's Report- Surety Pest Control raised monthly rate from $43 to $44.
Accounts in arrears: Feeley is 3 months behind.
New Business
A. Annualmeeting-TeresaCoeisobtainingestimatesforon-sitecatering.
B. Property access- John Anglin was contacted by Mr. Lang. Mr. Lang is concerned
about access to Sawmill Road property. DCI property was used as an easement by Sawmill Road homeowner Peplinski by construction workers. Keep an eye on this for the future.
C. NextmeetingJune20,2016
Meeting adjourned at 6:16 pm.
Public Comments
The meeting was adjourned at 6pm.