In attendance:
Steve Hucke, Jerry Schopf, Dave Sem, Dan Branscum, Mike Hendersm
Joseph Bock, Miranda Bunge
Treasurers Report: All water bills that were in arears have been brought up to current and good standing.
The lawn maintenance company that has been doing our services has been terminated. And PNW lawn services has been contracted to start immediately. There will be key made for PNW so they can access all fenced areas.
Water: Reports that there has been one request for a water availability for a new home. The request has been approved and sent to land owner.
Building: No report.
CCNR: No report
Lagoon report that at this time the lagoon is flowing well and that we did not do the water jetting of the pipe. Dave will continue to monitor the flow.
Web site: Was reported that we have received a signed forum that will allow us to add a new web site manager and then we can update the web site to reflect current information. This should make the site much more useful.
New business: It was brought up that one of the neighbors is parking his work truck on DCI property by the upper tanks. Making it hard for lawn mowing and maintenance. It was agreed that if he mowed under the truck and no other vehicle were added that he could park there.
The new home owners at 680 Dugualla Road ask if we would look into if DCI. Was going to maintain the ditch that is along there driveway and our well property. There is an easement on their title for this. They will sent copy of title to Steve Hucke to research and report back to the board.
Dan Branscum reported that he is resigning from the board and that this is his last meeting. He will be moving to Arizona for the sun. We all wish him the best and safe travels.
Old business: None
The meeting was adjourned: Steve Hucke.