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In Attendance: Shawn Albert, Joseph Bock, Jim Hummer, Danny Kaiser, Don Kaiser, Tom McKeon, Jerry Schopf, Susan Schopf
Absent:  Rob McMillan, Tom Luehr,  Curt Myron    Guests:  None
I.Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.
II. Minutes from last meeting: approved as submitted.
III.Public Comments:  None
IV.Treasurer Report:  Tom McKeon - See attached report.  Bank balance $380,656.78 Continuing discussion of need for Reserve Account to cover possible major community expenses with no decision.
V.Old Business
a. Jim & Paulette Hummer continuing to work on DCI storage shed.  Master files set up for tax returns, treasurer reports, past annual meetings, wellhead protection plan, water treatment alternative reports, audit reports, water rights, legal, DCA vs. Krieg Construction of gravel pit.  Tabled purchase of fireproof file until size requirement is determined.  Unable to unlock small safe, code unknown.
b.  Summer concert date set for August 3 at clubhouse.  Contract signed for band (Quarter Past 8), $200 deposit paid. Newsletter flyer to be sent with June 1 billing.  Susan Schopf will publicize on Facebook and ask for volunteers for organizing/set-up.
c.  By-laws audit postponed until further notice.  Special board meeting may be required.
VI.Officer and Committee Reports
a.  Architectural Control: No report
b.  Building and Restrictions: No report
c.  Communications: Water Flushing scheduled May 30.  Susan Schopf will post alert on Facebook.
d.  Community Meetings:  Annual Meeting September 21.  Don Kaiser will handle arrangements, report at next meeting.
e.  Water System: Water system analysis/survey needed to determine long-term viability.  Danny Kaiser will contact King Water for cost and/or recommendations.
f.  Lagoon: Tom Luehr reported lagoon drain cleaning is complete.
g. Special Initiatives: HGTV asked permission to film house on Birch Street for upcoming show.  Filming to be done in 3 days.    
h.  Facilities: Shawn Albert and Jerry Schopf reported installation of new flooring in clubhouse kitchen and restrooms completed.  Jerry Schopf will stain woodwork.  Add Milton Mumford’s name to website for clubhouse contact.  Vote passed to increase billing amount as requested by PNW Lawn Services. 
I.  Security:  Key survey needed due to large amount of old keys found in storage shed.  Shawn Albert will replace clubhouse & shed locks with master locks/keys.
VII.New Business: 
a.  Question raised regarding PFAS chemicals in DCI water system and does King Water test for this.  Danny Kaiser will follow up.
b.  Request for water use by Whidbey Camano Land Trust for plantings around lagoon tentatively approved.  WCLT will be asked for more details (approximate amount needed, duration of need) and for a representative to attend next board meeting to provide more information.
VIII.     Items Held Over:  None
IX.  Adjournment:  7:50 PM
X.  Next Meeting:  Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 6 PM
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