A meeting of Dugualla Community, Inc. Board was held at DBH clubhouse at 5pm on June 20, 2016.
No members of the public were present.
Members not in attendance
John Anglin Dave Sem Don Kaiser Warren Eraut
Approval of minutes
The minutes for the May 2016 were approved on motion by John Ney, seconded by Jim Obigelo. The motion carried.
Public comments
Unfinished business
A. Landscaping at Clubhouse- Trees are down
B. Annual Meeting Catering- Teresa obtained two bids- El Cazador and Orlando’s. She
will get a bid from Sho’Nuff catering. The bids were in the $800+ range for 80 people. We adjusted our attendance to 100-120. The past budget was $2000- this amount included everything from mailers to food/beverage. Tracie Stringer and Dave Sem will handle the mailers- proxy, etc. We will vote on catering during the July meeting.
C. UnauthorizedaccesstoSawmillRd.issue-JohnAnglinspoketotheownerofthe property and was assured that it is only temporary during construction. If this becomes an issue we will install a chain.
Committee and Officer Reports
A. Architectural Control Committee- 735 Bayfront project is good to go. 627 Beacon View is now occupied. Dave Sem will contact Jones Accounting to start billing for water. Once the new home on Birch sells, Jones Accounting will bill for water as well.
B. BuildingandUseRestrictionsCommittee-Eidsmoestillhasnotrespondedtothe board or neighbor regarding blackberry bushes.
C. CommunicationCommittee-PreparingAnnualMeetingnotices.
D. Facility Committee- John Anglin replaced a bad board on the back deck.
E. Lagoon Committee- WCLT is currently working on the area. They are removing
blackberry bushes.
F. SpecialInitiatives-SteveSmithsentaletter/emailtoRogerPierceregardingwater
from the Dike Road flooding project and salt water intrusion into the aquifer. John
Ney will follow up with Mr. Smith for clarification on the purpose of the letter.
G. Treasurer's Report- . King Water did not install any meters in May. Accounts in arrears: Feeley is 4 months behind. Dave Sem sent a late notice to the account
New Business
A. Next meeting July 18, 2016
B. JeterProperty-Noupdates
C. AnnualMeetingNotice(discussedabove)
Public Comments
Meeting adjourned at 6:05 pm.
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