In Attendance: Joseph Bock, Larry Caton, Clint Christensen, Graig Haberman, Steve Hucke, Danny Kaiser, Nadia Kent, Susan Schopf
Absent: Shawn Albert
Guests: Jerry Schopf, Susan Sebens, Mickie Hucke, Mike Legere
A.The meeting at the clubhouse was called to order at 6:03 PM by President Steve Hucke
B. Minutes from 5/19/21 were approved.
C.Public Comments: Susan Sebens asked for the community property and surrounding area on Dugualla Road to be mowed routinely as had been in the past and expressed concerns about the prevalence of homes being used as vacation rental properties in the community.
D.Treasurer’s Report: Clint Christiansen - See attached report.
1. DCI Bank Balance on 6/13/21 total is $452,681.62 with $390,141.68 in a money market account and $62,539.94 in a checking account.
2. Collection letters have been sent and/or liens placed on four properties with delinquent water accounts by Jake Cohen, Attorney.
1. Benjamin Ware, Coffman Engineering, Seattle WA has begun work to determine status of the DCI water system. Larry Caton had no update.
2. Repair work done at the well house area by Simply Yards was not completed satisfactorily and the job will be re-done at no extra cost and inspected by Steve Hucke.
3. Pest control bids from Croach and Surety Pest Control were presented. The Board agreed to get one more bid before making a decision.
4. Clubhouse - the Board voted unanimously to approve renting the clubhouse to non-property owners as has been done in the past.
a. The locked cable on the boat ramp needs to stay in place to assure it is used by authorized property owners.
b. A $200 expense for a new vacuum cleaner and other supplies was approved.
c. The job of re-pairing and painting the clubhouse and storage building is underway.
d. Mike Legere volunteered to permanently block the clubhouse fireplace so it cannot be used. Mike reported using the fireplace in its current state would present a fire hazard.
5. The tsunami siren installation is complete and will be tested monthly.
6. Joseph Bock reported Bayside Services will clean the lagoon drain on July 6 at 9:30 AM.
7. The Annual Meeting will be held on September 18 outdoors at the clubhouse with the local band, Quarter Past Eight, providing entertainment. No decision yet on a catered meal.
1. Bids for re-roofing the well house, clubhouse and storage building will be obtained. Graig Haberman will investigate and reported he previously owned a roofing business and may be interested in doing the job.
2. Steve Hucke proposed organizing a work day to do small jobs around the community which might also increase community spirit and neighborliness. No decision was made.
3. The Board voted unanimously to make the Clubhouse Manager Mike Legere an alternate member of the Board of Directors.
G. Adjournment: 7:40 PM Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 6 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Susan Schopf, Board Secretary