In Attendance: Larry Caton, Clint Christiansen, Steve Hucke, Danny Kaiser, Tom McKeon, Curt Myron, Susan Schopf
Absent: Joseph Bock, Shawn Albert
Guests: Jerry Schopf
A.Meeting called to order at 6 pm by President Danny Kaiser.
B. Minutes from 8/19/2020 were approved with no corrections or additions.
C.Public Comments: None
D.Treasurer’s Report:  Tom McKeon report (see attached).  Bank balance currently is $463,039.06 which is an increase of $1,071.35 from last month’s ending balance.  Tom reported 3 residents are more than 90 days delinquent on water bills.   Discussion continued regarding paperless electronic billing to reduce costs with Jones Accounting.  King Water will be asked to submit a proposal for the water billing. 
1. Facilities:  Danny Kaiser reported Evergreen Landscape is working satisfactorily on community common areas.  Danny, Clint and Steve will review which community common areas should be mowed. 
a.  Shawn Albert and a property owner will be asked to remove the tree stump remaining on community property after they took the tree down.
2.  Water System: The work to trench and repair the leaking drainage line at the well pump house area will begin once board members meet with the contractor on 9/23/2020 to review the proposed work.
a. After speaking to North Whidbey Fire Department, Curt Myron reported community fire hydrants are used mainly for flushing water lines, not for fire fighting. Curt will locate and photograph each community fire hydrant and provide a map for community records.
b.  Danny is waiting on King Water to finalize a report assessing the current state of the Dugualla Community water system.  This information was requested to assist the Board in planning for possible future repairs.
c.  Painting the exteriors of water tanks and chemical buildings at Birch & Emory streets is completed.  The Board expressed appreciation to Shawn Albert for repairs he made to the buildings.
d.  Larry Caton is seeking another bid for work needed to replace the generator at the pump house.
3.  Architectural Control:  No Report.
4.  Building and Use Restrictions:  No Report.
5.  Communications:  No Report. 
6.  Community Meetings:  Annual Meeting & Dinner is postponed indefinitely due to COVID.
7.  Records Management:  Curt Myron provided information that addresses the organizational status of DCI.  Records show it is a non-profit corporation for water management, not an HOA.
8.  Security: Clint and Curt volunteered to check the clubhouse regularly.
9.  Lagoon:  No Report.
10.  Whidbey Camano Land Trust: No Report.
11.  Special Initiatives:  Clint requested that a list of Board accomplishments for the year be compiled and published online.
1.  Danny Kaiser asked to vacate the role of president but will continue to serve on the Board. Tom McKeon also stated that he needs to be replaced in his role as Treasurer.  Notices will be placed on FaceBook, the community email and on the website.
2.  A notice will also be placed on Facebook, the community email and on the website for a new Clubhouse Manager volunteer to replace Pat Del Sonno. 
G.  Adjournment:  8:00 PM
H.  Next Meeting:  Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 6 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Schopf, Board Secretary
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